IIT Gandhinagar: 15 Years of ExcellenceNews

Visiting Students Programme

Visiting Students

IIT Gandhinagar invites applications for visiting students in its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. A student who is registered for a degree in a recognized institute or university in India or abroad, and who is officially sponsored by that institute or university to complete part of his/her academic requirements at IITGN, can apply for admission to IITGN as a visiting student. Such a student may carry out research, or take courses for credit or otherwise, or may use other academic facilities. However, any credits earned by a visiting student cannot be applied for any degree programme at IITGN at any time.

Click here for a tentative list of courses

Visiting Students (Part Time)

IIT Gandhinagar invites applications for part-time visiting students. Students / scientists / engineers of other institutes / universities / industries / research-labs can apply to register for one or two courses at IITGN as visiting students, while pursuing other endeavors at their parent organization. Such a student may carry out research, take courses for credit or otherwise, or may use other academic facilities of the institute. However, any credits earned by a part-time visiting student cannot be applied for any degree programme at IITGN at any time.

Click here for a tentative list of courses

Visiting Students Programme - Find out more

The application deadline is 4th July, 2024.

  • Admissions Criteria

    Visiting Students Programme:

    Criteria for admission:

    An applicant should be officially part of a recognized institute or university in India or abroad.

    He/she should be officially sponsored by that Institute/University to complete part of his/her academic requirements at IITGN.

    His/her academic record should be such that there is good likelihood of his/her benefitting from the period of study at IIT Gandhinagar.

    Norms for Visiting Students Programme:

    IIT Gandhinagar encourages interdisciplinarity and students are free to select courses from various disciplines

    A) Undergraduate

    1) A student is required to register for a minimum of 3-4 courses per semester. The total courses should not exceed 6 courses per semester.

    B) Post Graduate (PG)

    A student is required to register for a minimum of 3 courses per semester. The total courses should not exceed 5 courses per semester.

    Students can register in the Visiting Students Programme (Part Time) for less than 3 courses.

    Visiting Students Programme (Part Time):

    An applicant should have completed one of the following degree.

    • 1. Bachelor’s in engineering
    • 2. Master’s in sciences
    • 3. Master’s in humanities and social sciences

    His/her academic record should be such that there is good likelihood of his/her benefitting from the period of study at IIT Gandhinagar.

  • Costs

    All students are required to pay a refundable security deposit of Rs 10,000 /- at the time of admission

    Visiting Students UG

    Tuition Fee 1,00,000 per semester
    Other Charges (including housing, mess, laundry, etc): Rs. 46,588 per semester (approximately)

    Visiting Students PG

    Tuition Fee 50,000 per semester
    Other Charges (including housing, mess, laundry, etc): Rs. 46,588 per semester (approximately)

    Part-Time students are required to pay Rs 5,000 per credit. Accommodation is not provided for part-time students.

  • General Terms and Conditions

    Visiting Students Programme

    1. A visiting student may be admitted - for one semester at a time, and permitted to pursue studies at IITGN for a maximum period of two semesters during his/her entire academic programme at the parent institute.
    2. The strength of visiting students in any discipline should preferably not exceeds 5% of the sanctioned strength at IITGN.
    3. A visiting student is expected to register for credits at par with credits prescribed for full time students at IITGN in the concerned discipline/programme.
    4. A visiting student will have to pay a refundable deposit of Rs.10000/, to be forfeited in the event of any unacceptable incident / behavior.
    5. A visiting student will be governed by all rules and regulations of IIT Gandhinagar.
    6. All matters related to dissemination of information concerning academic, behavioral, and other relevant issues will be handled in accordance to policies applicable to IITGN students.
    7. A visiting student should have adequate medical insurance; only non-reimbursable OPD facilities will be extended to him/her.
    8. IIT Gandhinagar will extend all facilities to the visiting students, which are offered to regular students in the concerned programme, such as Hostel, Mess, Library, Sports, Laboratories, Computer Center and internet etc. Further OPD facilities (without reimbursement) will also be provided.

    Visiting Students Programme (Part Time)

    1. A part-time visiting student may be admitted - for one semester at a time.
    2. The strength of part-time visiting students in any discipline should preferably not exceeds 5% of the sanctioned strength at IITGN.
    3. A part-time visiting student is permitted to register for a maximum of 3 courses in a semester.
    4. A part-time visiting student will be charged fee on the basis of an amount per credit of registration as set by the institute from time to time. The cost per credit is typically Rs. 10000/- and most courses are usually in the range of 3 to 5 credits.
    5. A part-time visiting student will have to pay a refundable deposit of Rs.10000/-, to be forfeited in the event of any unacceptable incident / behavior.
    6. A part-time visiting student will be governed by all rules and regulations of IIT Gandhinagar.
    7. All matters related to dissemination of information concerning academic, behavioral, and other relevant issues will be handled in accordance to policies applicable to IITGN students.
    8. A part-time visiting will not be eligible for medical facilities.