भा.प्रौ.सं. गाँधीनगर: उत्कृषटता के 15 वर्षसमाचार

General Information

Where is IIT Gandhinagar located?

The Institute is located at Palaj, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, approximately 26 km from Ahmedabad Airport and 28 km from Ahmedabad Railway Station. You can find us on a map by going to our contact page and you can experience a virtual tour of our campus on this page.

How does one reach Palaj from Ahmedabad airport or railway station?

A taxi ride (Olah Cabs/ Uber Cabs) would cost about Rs 350-400/- from the airport or from Ahmedabad Railway (Kalpur) Station. Typical fare from Ahmedabad railway station to Palaj by auto rickshaw is about Rs. 400.

How far are facilities like a post office and banks from the institute?

There is a Canara bank situated within the campus. Post office is also located in the nearby village, off campus.

What is the climate like in Gandhinagar?

Gandhinagar has generally a dry climate apart from the monsoon months of June to September. March to June are hot summer days with average maximum temperature of about 36℃ while the months of November to February are wintry with temperature ranging between 15℃ to 30℃, which can occasionally drop to 8℃.

How to reach IIT Gandhinagar?

Ahmedabad is well connected via Air, Trains and Road from all the major cities of India.

About IIT Gandhinagar

What is the vision of IIT Gandhinagar?

To be an Institution of excellence for creating and imparting knowledge at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and contribute to the development of the nation and humanity at large. The Vision and Mission statement of the Institute can be downloaded from here.

What are the different kinds of programmes running at IIT Gandhinagar?

The institute offers B.Tech. M.Tech, M.Sc, MA and Ph.D. programmes in various disciplines. For more details visit our admissions page.

What is the computer/internet facilities on the campus?

Computer facilities at IITGN have been developed with high-end hardware, a wide range of software and excellent connectivity so that students, faculty and staff can carry out their work without interruptions. They can view and download information efficiently for their research, home assignments and other scholarly activities. The LAN setup integrates the entire IITGN community into a single unit. The Institute premises and the student hostels are Wi-Fi enabled. We also have enterprise licenses for various important scientific software packages.

More details about faculty at IIT Gandhinagar?

IIT Gandhinagar has outstanding faculty members including both senior academicians and young PhDs. For more details about faculty at the Institute, visit our faculty page.

What about laboratories?

Excellent teaching laboratories have been set up. In addition, there are a number of research laboratory facilities to expose students to the latest research in different areas of science and engineering.

Is IIT Gandhinagar library well stocked?

The Library has a rapidly expanding (over 27,000) collection of books including monographs, reference books, text booksetc covering all major disciplines of interest. The catalogue of these holdings can be accessed online both on campus and off campus. Library also has an online access to the following high quality e-resources. For more details please visit our online catalog.


What about hostel facilities?

Fully furnished accommodation facilities for all the students are available on campus. Accommodation for girl students is made available in a separate hostel on campus.

What is the arrangement for food?

Food services have been outsourced to reputed caterers and available on campus. A highly qualified nutritionist ensures that the students are provided with healthy food. Apart from that general pay and eat canteens are also in the institute premises.

What will be the living expenditure?

The expenditure pattern is similar to that of other big cities. Apart from the institute fees which are payable every semester, the anticipated expense per month should be about Rs 4-5000 including food charges.

I need more information.

Please send an email to: office@iitgn.ac.in

Are there sports facilities ?

Yes. A highly qualified physical education instructor is on the staff to train students. Grounds are available for football, cricket, volleyball and basketball. Facilities for indoor games such as badminton and table-tennis have also been made available. A modern multi-purpose gym is available along with gym instructors.

What about medical facilities?

Qualified medical practitioners are available on the Institute premises for several hours on working days to provide medical advice to students, staff and faculty. Hospitalization expenses of all students are covered under a medical insurance policy. Trained male nurse is available full-time to provide emergency first aid and for routine medical services such as checking temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar, oxygen level and dressing of wounds. He also assists in maintaining medical supplies and keeping medical records. An Electrocardiogram (E.C.G) machine has now been added to the other diagnostic facilities for the doctor's use. A physiotherapist is also available on campus to assist physical ailments pertaining to sports/ elderly.